Although the daycare has never allowed hand held gaming devices, we have utilized technology in a constructive way.
We frequently use things like music, exercise, yoga, dance, and learning aids.
Technology is not an enemy if control and awareness are embraced. Its important to show restraint as adults, otherwise we loose our focus and attention, and set bad examples for our children. Children already have short attention spans, so making technology use mindful and engaging is a great way to influence limited use. Allowing chronic use of social media can aid loneliness, depression and anxiety. Even children become conditioned to dropping what they are doing in order to answer notifications.
Its important to understand that mindful technology just means avoiding wasteful technology. Using apps that are beneficial to your child, monitoring their time, being aware of what apps they are using, and ensuring they are using it by choice, not out of habit. There have been many times children in the daycare have voiced how their parents are too busy on their cell phones, and that they don’t feel seen by them. Your child should not have to compete with your cell phone for your time and attention. Help them by setting an example. Regain control over your own mind, health, and productivity.
Technology breaks, limited screen time, and utilizing parental controls are all useful aids in creating harmony. Valuing social interaction as well as providing creative boredom busters, encouraging physical activities, and actively being a good example of self control as adults is imperative. Remember digital technology is designed to capture our attention, so create boundaries, and use it intentionally.