Today was a tough day

Its not easy running a daycare.

depressed woman sitting by the window on a bad day

Today I had a child scream non stop for over a hour, inconsolable, unreasonable, and refusing a safe space to diffuse so that the rest of the children didn’t have to listen to his rant. He wanted the tag taken off of his shirt and his Mom said no.

Today I had a child bite themselves very hard repeatedly because they didn’t want to put toys away and refused to participate in the next activity.

Today I had a child have such severe bowel movements that they had gone through three sets of clothing, and no parent or emergency contact to be found.

Today a child plugged a toilet so severely that a plumber had to be called.

Today a child bit five children so hard that they almost drew blood. The parent of the biter suggested I keep the child beside me and not allow him/her to play with the other children.

Today I had a child pick their noses so much they continuously had nose bleeds throughout the day.

Today I had to buy a child diapers that the parent refused to bring, stating that I shouldn’t have to change her child more than once a day.

Today I had a parent get mad at me for charging a late fee because they were only a half hour late.

Today I had a child headbutt me so hard that I felt woozy from the pain, as I was trying to stop them from ripping up a brand new daycare book. 

Today I had an unscheduled child show up, and the parent rush out the door before I could turn them away. (Parent would not answer calls or texts)

Today I had a parent yell at me because her child refused to wear socks, and instead of possibly loosing them, I requested slippers or indoor shoes, trying to keep her child’s feet warm. Apparently I should be able to convince a strong willed two year old to keep socks on in a loving supportive way.

Today a child cut her hair while doing scissor practice.

Today I cried.

Today I was exhausted.

Tomorrow I will start all over again with smile on my face.