In the early days, things at daycare were a little more primitive. I used old face cloths instead of diaper wipes, cloth diapers with liners instead of disposable, corn starch instead of baby powder, I am sure you get the idea 🙂
Most of my littles were very healthy eaters, and I always let them eat their fill. A favorite was, and still is, pasta with homemade meat sauce. I always added so many vegies to the sauce, onions, pureed brown beans, spinach, etc.
Plate after plate would be served, eaten by tomato stained smiling faces. After washing faces and hands, it was always diaper time for littles with full bellies to get ready for nap.
Now perhaps onions do not quite work that quickly but…… As I was washing down a little bottom, and getting ready to close up the diaper, I decided to put a little cornstarch as a barrier and help keep the skin dry. Just as I raised the child’s legs and added the cornstarch, “Poof”, toot and cornstarch sprinkled the air. Both the little one and I cracked up laughing 🙂